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5 Decoration Ideas For Walima Ceremony

Post by nousheen


Published on 2 July 2018

Walima ceremony in a wedding is one of the most crucial events in Muslim wedding as it is the Sunnah of Holy Prophet (PBUH). Walima ceremony always tends to be more formal and ceremonial than the rest of the events of a wedding. Where the whole wedding is about more colourful, fun and gaiety, walima sounds more of a decent ceremony.

However, this decent event can be unique by just adding the crisp of creativity to make it completely unconventional and novel. Here are few walima decoration ideas to make it memorable forever.



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A vintage theme with formal attire will definitely make a deadly combination that will definitely make the guest go wow!

Tall taper candle

Image result for tall paper candle  wedding decoration


Tall taper candle paired with some dramatic mood lighting and luxe fabrics, this combination will turn your walima into a magnificent state of art event.

Golden Balloon

Gold balloons for a very merry New Year's Eve

Ballons are always remain in trend for every event either its kid party or any adult event, also, at formal events like walima, it can also look glamorous.



Make your walima more natural by using shades of green themes. Greenery is nature make the ambience of your walima more fresh, joyful and green.

Egyptian Wedding

Image result for egyptian wedding theme

You can also go for the ultimate Egyptian tradition to give an ultimate new look to walima ceremony.

Pick any of these ideas to make your Walima a complete unorthodox event.