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Post by nousheen


Published on 2 March 2017

Shadi is indeed a very emotional time in any girl’s life. Its when your life begins a whole new chapter. The bride goes through all sorts of different emotions.  It’s a wild roller coaster ride so strap on soon to be Mrs, because you’re in for one crazy ride.


It’s here, it’s here, it’s here!!! The day you’ve been waiting for your whole life. The day you’ve been prepping for the last few months. It all comes down to this – the day you are officially a Mrs!



Obviously, you are happy that you are no more single, you’ll be having your own family now, a partner to share your life with. Marrying the man you love and stepping into a whole new life – nothing in life will ever compare to the joy you felt on this special occasion.



its only natural to be all anxious and over thinking about everything. Even if you’re as cool as a cucumber, even if you’ve played this moment a million times over in your head, a few anxious moments here and there are only natural! They could happen sporadically or unexpectedly at different times of your Big Day!



It’s probably because the day you have been waiting for since so long is finally here! You are taking a sigh of relief that all the planning is done, everything is ready. You are bound to feel that a weight has been taken off your chest in a way. It could also be because you’re witnessing your wedding and it’s exactly like you had planned.

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If there’s too much happening at the same time, you’re bound to feel a little confused. Besides, there are so many little rituals and ceremonies – a little confusion (and chaos) is kind of a given.



It feels like a dream. There are times when you cannot believe if it’s really happening?! with you?! Till now you have only fantasied about this big day, but now it really coming TRUE! This is a really beautiful time when you feel lucky and blessed.



If things are not going your way, or you are tired/hungry/both – you could totally feel irritated. Why are people not realizing how exhausted you are?! The irritation could also be with your outfit (too heavy?!) or your hair pins (they’re poking!) or your heels (too painful). It could be a million things but the important thing is to know is that it’s natural and will be over soon.

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Dressing up, smiling meeting the guests, doing the rituals, posing for pictures and a lot more! All these things are bound to make you feel exhausted. Plus the ore-wedding stress, it all comes down at once. When all the functions are over…and you have officially become a ‘wife’, all you want to do is eat chocolate cake and sleep. True story!



You are nervous there are million questions going in your mind. You are not sure what will happen at ruksati, what will happen tomorrow, will you be okay for the night or spoil it by crying all the time. You are just nervous. And it’s okay! Just take a deep breath, hope for the best and enjoy the moment!



If you’ve never felt more happy and sad at the same time – you really must be a new bride! You just can’t decide if you should be happy or sad. You are feeling all sorts of emotion in the world at the same time.


About Shadi Tayari

We at Shadi Tayari love weddings and all aspects related to it. Our goal is to help you plan the perfect wedding – the wedding that will speak volumes about your personality. Our creative team has got all the amazing ideas for you. From catering to venues, we make sure that we provide wedding suppliers who deliver on time and on a budget. Making hundreds of weddings successful, Shadi Tayari is the ultimate Shadi solution in Pakistan.